they said
We love to collect these gems:
“There are bands that dare you to put a label on their music, or try to pigeon-hole their style. Happy Graveyard Orchestra just sits back and watches you try, with the evil genius grin your algebra teacher wore when you tried to explain a quadratic equation…” (The Closet Concert Arena – March 2015)
“One minute onwards Those Seventeen Letters… fucking hell”
“I don’t understand how many songs you played… 5 or 15?”
“If you dare to listen… you might not regret”
“that 5/4 in ‘Vomit’ works fantastically” (a very attentive listener!)
“I like your 70’s non-sense music!” (the most enthusiastic guy ever, right after our first gig)
“I like your music so much! I’m a visual artist, I think I might do some work on your songs… Take my number now, sorry I’m quite drunk I’m not sure I can remember my number exactly”
“I’m loving that jazzy, almost retro hippy vibe!” (Ade Truelove from Fantasy Radio FM)
“The quirky and fun music and lyrics do take on hints of Zappa, but yet again, you can’t really say Happy Graveyard Orchestra borrow too much from any particular artist. […] They have an abundance of talent and strong writing. (The Rocktologist Magazine – July 2013)
“You’re mad, but very good! I’m just mad” (a fan into madness)
“I like this song, it’s like elevator music!” (Ross Taylor… the 2013 drummer! – on the song “I stop some where”)
“I stop some where… on the second floor.“ (Rhiannon Mayon-White… the violist! – same as above)
“It was a pleasure having such a talented and genuinely nice bunch of musicians along in the studio, and even better having a ‘front row seat’ for their live sets” (Paul Mansell from Marlow FM)
“Musically, they mix conventional instruments (guitar/bass/drums) with the slightly less conventional (violin/viola) and their repertoire includes bass-driven rock numbers (one of which reminded me of Iggy Pop’s ‘Lust for life’) and classical pieces such as Beethoven’s ‘Ode to joy’.” (Dik Ng – photographer – … Lust for life?!)
“it’s so good to hear true creative, innovative music” (this sounds so good!)
“interesting and unique!” (still good!)
“You were FREAKING out!”
… and SURELY, more to come!